Friday, June 1, 2012

Anxiety and sleepless nights

I haven't wrote on here forever. In fact, I haven't done anything much lately. I haven't gone to the gym since April, and that was something I really liked. It seems pointless now though. I was doing a bootcamp, and really wasn't seeing results. I used to be able to eat a pretty healthy diet, but now with a 19 month old that seems impossible. We are always rushed, or I can't get to the store, etc. etc. That is probably why i'm not seeing results, so it seems futile to keep working so hard at it. Lately all I do is sleep. Over the last couple months it has become impossible to get out of bed unless I have a very good reason. Like I have to go to work or get up with Sawyer. If my husband is home I will just stay in bed all day. My body feels worn out and exhausted 24/7. I have determined that I need to get a day job, but I don't know how soon that will happen. I am just actively looking in the meantime. I feel disconnected from everyone else. Certain things are bothering me alot. The news for one. I can't help but think what a horrible world I have brought my little boy into. I know that it's pointless to think this way, and I need to go on with my life, but it causes me alot of anxiety. I am working hard on figuring out how to make myself better. I just feel like it's hard on my son to live with me like this. I just keep hoping Summer will bring better days-Sawyer is ready for the sun.

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