Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just Another Wednesday

I met most of my goals this week. Me and Sawyer made it to the zoo. Sawyer was even a pleasure the entire time. We didn't go to the park today, but we did make it outside. Now i'm about to lose it though. Today Sawyer's favorite and only word has been everything. Even things he wants. And the tantrums. So.sick.of.them. Why can't he just be my sweet boy all the time? Right now he's in his crib in a time out, and all I can hear is him chanting no over and over. Then theres the mess. He threw all of his food on the floor because he was mad. Then his dad came home sick from work and has been passed out. This is going on about day 50 of him having a cold so I don't feel too sorry for him. Yet it's prevented him from helping with things for weeks. I just feel so burnt out all the time. I know things will get better, I just feel like I have one good day and then the next is torture. Sigh. Back to work tomorrow.

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